Ms. Sabrina Lee, Director of Children's Ministry


Children’s Ministry Update


God is gracious and good to all who love him. During the time of lockdown and quarantine, God has kept all of his children safe and healthy. Parents are working hard to be creative in guiding and helping their children learn and grow at home.

The children and I have regular Zoom meetings on Sundays; Beginner Church in the mornings, and Junior Church in the afternoons. Things are very challenging in terms of facilitating the meetings in an engaging way. However, the Lord has humbled and helped me to improve my lessons every time, after each Zoom meeting.  I am very thankful for the opportunities that I am able to keep serving and growing the children through weekly videos as well. I am so blessed with the video clips and photo contributions provided to me by many families.

I am extremely thankful for many wonderful volunteers, namely: Lisa Wong, Lisa Barrios (GEMS coordinator), John Petteys (Stockade coordinator), Bobbie Eng, Kirk Hemans, Mark Wong, Tina Wong, Timothy Chung, Michelle Davidson, Elim Ly, Sandra Kwong, Art Lee, and the many young helpers from both Beginner Church and Junior Church who have supported me in many different ways, ranging from storytelling to reading scripts of the Lord’s Prayer lessons. Tina Wong even gave simple science lessons to Junior Church kids in a video which made the video even more educational and fun during Sundays. My husband, Art Lee has created drawing videos to provide entertainment and enrichment to children during these Sunday sessions. Praise the Lord for every single volunteer, because without their help and support the Children’s Ministry would not have stayed strong and become as enriching as it is now.

Additionally, I am very grateful for Ms. Lei Lei who is teaching kids the Chinese every Saturday morning. Children are having a great time learning language on Zoom. Lastly, I am very excited to be able to teach art lessons for kids every Thursday on Zoom.  I am praying that all these online enrichment classes will be used by the Lord to reach out to new families as well as to reconnect our own church families.


我和孩子們在周日定期舉行Zoom會議;早上是Beginner Church,下午是Junior Church。就以引人入勝的方式促進會議而言,事情具有很大的挑戰性。然而每次Zoom會議結束後,神都使我謙卑並幫助我提高課程質量。我也非常感謝我有機會通過每週的視頻繼續服侍孩子們並使其成長。我感到非常幸運因為有許多家庭都提供給我視頻片段和照片。

我非常感謝許多出色的志願者,包括:Lisa Wong,Lisa Barrios(GEMS 負責人),John Petteys(Stockade 負責人),Bobbie Eng, Kirk Hemans, Mark Wong, Tina Wong, Timothy Chung, Michelle Davidson, Elim Ly, Sandra Kwong, Art Lee,以及來自 Beginner Church 和 Junior Church 的許多年輕義工,以各種不同的方式支持我,從講故事到閱讀主禱文等。 Tina Wong 甚至通過視頻向 Beginner Church 的孩子們提供了簡單的科學課程,使視頻在星期天變得更具教育性和趣味性。我的丈夫李·阿特(Art Lee)製作了繪畫錄像帶,在這些星期日的課上為孩子們提供豐富的娛樂。為每位義工讚美主,因為如果沒有他們的幫助和支持,兒童部將無法保持強大,變得像現在一樣充實。

另外,我也非常感謝蕾蕾姊妹,她每週六早上都在教孩子們中文。孩子們在 Zoom 上玩得很開心。最後,我很高興能夠在每個星期四的 Zoom 上為孩子們教授美術課。我祈禱所有這些在線豐富課程都將被主用來與新家庭接觸,並重新建立我們自己的教會家庭。




Ms. Sabrina Lee
Director of Children’s Ministry



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