Update: Mandarin Ministry





The Mandarin Ministry continues to encourage one another & meet together online. Every morning, Pastor Mary Ren sends a devotional via WeChat, where a group of over 100 group members stay connected.
Monday night Mandarin worship remains strong as they fellowship together over worship & sermon messages just as they did before social distancing.


週五青年團契:分享生活樂趣及一起面對各種挑戰, 在靈裡一起成長,彼此分享和代禱。


Mandarin Young/Adult Fellowship

The Friday Night Young/Adult Fellowship logs in via Zoom to  share life’s joys and challenges. They are growing together spiritually by sharing and praying with each other, and in Bible study.




Medical Workers Fellowship

On Saturday nights, the Medical Workers Fellowship is a newly established group in response to COVID-19. They are there to pray with brothers and sisters, and to encourage and support each other during this time.




Mandarin Sisters Fellowship

The Sisters Fellowship meets online on Saturday mornings where they study the Bible and pray about sharing God’s word, about each other’s families, and about work and life. They find encouragement, and feel supported by one another.

To join one of these groups or for more information, contact the church office.



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