Ways to Give to the Church
- 您可以通過郵寄的方式將您的奉獻郵到教會,或者投遞到教會玻璃門側( 位於 Commonwealth 街道 )的郵槽中。
- 因為可能花費大量時間處理,敬請耐心等待。
- 您也可以通過聯絡您的銀行,將“阿市真光長老會”設置成“Bill Pay”,以便規律您的日常奉獻。
- 有關“Bill pay”的詳情請點擊如下:
Bill Pay 是如何操作的?
Bill Pay 是大部分銀行提供的網上『賬單支付服務』,代你寫支票寄發到你指定公司或個人的地址。Bill Pay 不是直接的銀行直接轉賬服務。Bill Pay 服務會把支票郵寄到收款人的地址。因此當你用 Bill Pay 奉獻到教會,教會收到的是銀行以你的名義寄發的支票 。 Bill Pay 所要求的 account number 指的是你在教會的認獻號碼,不是教會的銀行戶口號碼。
如何設立 Bill Pay 作奉獻?
最簡單的方法是使用銀行的網站,你需以自己銀行賬戶登記網上銀行服務(例:你的銀行是 Bank of America, 就上美國銀行的網站登記),然後登入自己的賬戶就可以設立奉獻的billpay ,這是一次性的設立,以後的操作就會很簡單。你需要的教會資訊:
Alhambra True Light Presbyterian Church
20 W. Commonwealth Ave.
Alhambra, CA 91801
(626) 289-4106
輸入你的認獻號碼,填上奉獻轉賬的日期,輸入奉獻的數額,選擇頻率選項(每週,每月或每季),之後要確認保存和寄送(Save and Submit)。通常你會收到銀行的確認通知並在轉賬當天,會從你的戶頭扣除金額。
可以的。你可以在網上Bill Pay 的附註欄內指明下列的奉獻:
- 一般奉獻
- 堂址
- 聖餐主日奉獻
- 差傳奉獻
- 愛心慈惠奉獻
- 或註明為任何一個教會事工的奉獻
Ways to Give to the Church
- Mail in your offering or drop them in the mail slot at the main entrance facing Commonwealth Ave.
- Please be patient as it can take a considerable amount of time to process & deposit offerings received.
- We encourage you to contact your bank to set up Alhambra True Light Presbyterian Church as a “Bill Pay” to help facilitate a regular giving schedule.
- For more about Bill Pay, click on any of the questions below, matching the answer with the same icon.
Bill Pay
Alhambra True Light Presbyterian Church
20 W. Commonwealth Ave.
Alhambra, CA 91801
(626) 289-4106
The ACCOUNT NUMBER requested in Bill Pay does not refer to the bank account number of the church. Enter your:
- Pledge Number or
- Giving Number
- If you are unsure, please contact the church to find out.
In the MEMO, specify which fund you are giving to:
- General Offering
- Building Fund
- Communion Offering
- Missions Offering
- Love Gift
- Any other ministry or fund
* Please make a separate check for each fund just as you would in using different giving envelopes.
How does bill pay work?
Bill Pay is an online “bill payment service” provided by most banks; it is NOT a direct bank transfer. The Bill Pay service sends a check on your behalf to the address you tell them to, on a date of your choosing.
Why Should I Use Bill Pay?
Bill Pay means you stay in control of when a check is written, and when it is sent from your bank account without having to personally write a check, find an envelope, and put a stamp on it to mail.
Is There A Fee To Use Bill PAY?
Contact your bank to find out if there are any fees to use Bill Pay.
how Do I set Up Bill Pay?
If you bank online, you can set up Bill Pay using your bank’s website, or by using their app. First you will want to set ATLPC as a “Payee”. You should only need to do this once, and will be able to bypass this step in the future. Next, follow the prompts to “Make a Payment.”
What If I Don’t Bank Online?
Visit your bank and ask a representative to help you set up Bill Pay. You will need to provide verification of your name, address, and account information. You will also need the address of the church, plus your account number at the church (Pledge number or Giving number). You may also be able to call your bank for their help in setting up Bill Pay.
How Often Can Bill Pay Be Used?
You can set Bill Pay to recur as often as you would like. You can use Bill Pay as a one-time, non-repeating, or use it to send your offering once a month, weekly, quarterly, or as frequently as you would like.
What If My Offering Is Lost?
Checks should be guaranteed by your bank through their Bill Pay service. Similar to other checks, they have a certain time limit that they can be cashed or deposited. If no activity, then the funds will remain in your bank account.