High School Fellowship
Teens for Christ
Praise God for what the 30-Hour Famine accomplished
We pray that He will multiply these small acts of faithfulness to do greater things. TFC shares our sincerest THANK YOUS to everyone who supported our first ever Virtual 30-Hour Famine! With your help, we completed our fundraiser and raised $1,100 through World Vision to fight hunger around the world. We were also able to help several families in our own church community with trunk loads of grocery care packages.
- If you missed the excitement, relive the moments on our Instagram:
- @alhambratruelight
- @tfcalhambra
“Enough for All”: Enough food, enough respect, enough love. A world with enough for all may seem impossible to us, but nothing is impossible for God. TFC took part in a Virtual 30-Hour Famine on May 22-23, 2020 to fight hunger in our community and around the world. From fundraising through World Vision, to delivering grocery care packages to families in need within our community, we trust God to do big things with our smallest acts of faith. We believe He is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us.
“夠我們用的”:足夠的食物,足夠的尊重,足夠的愛。對於我們來說,一個人人都有足夠供應的世界似乎是不可能的,但是對我們的神而言,沒有什麼事不可能的。 TFC於2020年5月22日至23日參加了線上的飢餓30小時活動,以消除我們社區和世界各地的飢餓。從通過World Vision募款,到為社區中有需要的家庭提供食品等,我們相信神會通過我們小小的信心行為完成祂的偉大計劃。我們相信神的大能超過我們所求所想。
~ Wesley

High School Fellowship
Teens for Christ
我們禱告求神使這些小小的信心行為倍增,以做更大的事情。 TFC向所有支持我們第一次線上飢餓30小時的所有人致以最誠摯的感謝!在您的幫助下我們完成了募款活動,並通過World Vision募集了1,100美元,以抗擊全球飢餓。
- 如果您錯過了活動,請在我們的 Instagram 上重溫精彩時刻:
- @alhambratruelight
- @tfcalhambra