On Sunday, July 24, 2022 at 12:30 we gathered as a church family to welcome five new church members, and dedicate six children through baptism…
Tag: Grades 6-8 六至八年級
Easter Sunday Sermons in English, Cantonese, & Mandarin. Also Children’s Ministry video.
During February: Missions Emphasis month, there will be a 20-minute sharing time with the English Ministry Guest Speaker after the Worship Service.
With God, all things are possible! He showed us He had a blueprint plan to draw the children to Him even when we could not gather in person. What God starts, God completes!
Registration Now Open!
On Friday, June 12, 2020, the GEMS (Girls Everywhere Meeting the Savior) Club and Bethelite Group finished up the year with a car parade.
6月12日,GEMS(Girls Everywhere Meeting the Savior)和Bethelite 以汽車巡遊結束了一年的课程。
CK’s [Christian Knights] Jr. High Boys fellowship, Grades 6-8conducted in English Meets most Fridays, 7:30pm Social Hall (Basement)Contact: Dennis Hemans 基督騎士初中男生團契英文, 6-8年級 幾乎每週五, 晚上7:30交誼廳(地下室)聯繫人: Dennis Hemans
Jr. High Girls fellowship, Grades 6-8conducted in English 1st & 3rd Fridays , 7:30pm Sunday School Area 208Contact: Lisa Barrios 伯特利初中女生團契英文, 6-8年級每月第一和第三週, 晚上7:30主日學教室(208)聯繫人: Lisa Barrios